Funny Picture of Reading a Book
During a pandemic, staying at home means helping to save lives and it's also a great time to catch up on a few things…like reading great books! Reading a book is a great way to relax. Looking at funny reading memes can also be a great distraction as you take a break between book chapters.
We did the heavy lifting for you and scoured the interweb for some of the most relatable reading memes ever! Enjoy the following 73 reading memes and curl up with a good book afterward!
1) Let the funny reading memes begin!

"When a book I was loving has a terrible ending: After all we've been through…"

"Accidentally closed book. Opened right back to the page I was on."
3) And I also want more reading memes!

"You already have a lot of books. I want more…"

"I don't always read books…Who am I kidding? You should see my library."
5) Doubles as an anatomy of reading memes.

"Anatomy of a bookworm: 22% would rather be reading. 4% spent the rent money on books. 8% no such thing as too many books. 25% said books are better than people. 10% arranges bookshelves by ~emotion~. 8% mourning fictional characters. 3% forgot to eat or sleep. 11% literary references no one gets. 9% waiting for Hogwarts' letter."

"And then…After they had ripped out half of her pages…They turned her…Into a movie! Gasp! Gasp!"
7) Stop the negativity with reading memes.

"If anyone ever tells you that you spend too much time reading, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life."

"Asking a bookworm to name their favorite book is like asking a mother to pick a favorite child."

"Because how else would you go to the bookstore."
10) Funny reading memes for book lovers.

"You can't read that entire book in a day. Don't believe me, just watch."

"Bookmark? You mean quitter strip."
12) Netflix and Chill? Nope, instead…

"Books and alone."

"Books I've bought VS Books I've actually read."

"Brace yourselves. A predictable twist is coming."
15) Happiness is funny reading memes

"You can't buy happiness, but you can buy books. And that's kind of the same thing."

"Cheers to all of you who still read books."

"'I don't read books. That's why they make movies.' I don't talk to people like you. That's why they make books."
18) The wonder of reading memes.

"Every time: Me: I'M SO DONE *slams book shut* Me: *comes back and reopens book while cursing at the author*"

"Favorite book made into a movie. Producers cast actors you like."
20) Read more reading memes!

"I finished my book. And now I don't know what to do with myself."

"When you can't focus on what you're reading because you keep thinking about all of your other books."
22) You're never finished when reading funny memes.

"Friend: Are you finished with this book? Me: Physically? Yes. Emotionally? *stares into the distance* NEVER…"

"Friends: You read so many books! How are you not crazy? Me: (Laughs maniacally)."

"When you get to an exciting part in your book but people keep interrupting you."
25) Ironically, also halfway through these reading memes.

"When you're halfway through a book and come to a plot twist at 1 am: I don't need sleep. I need answers."

"Happiness is…Getting lost in a good book."
27) Cheeky reading memes.

"Has one-night stand but way too many books to fit on it."

"When I hear someone say they're going to the bookstore: I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"His hair should be brown!!!"
30) Go on an adventure with funny reading memes.

"How I act when I get a new book: I'm going on an adventure!"
31) Also, a 100% foolproof way to prevent getting or spreading COVID-19…

"I found a 100% foolproof way to prevent sunburn. It's called 'Stay inside and read a book'."

"If I had a dollar for every fictional character I caught feelings for, I could afford the therapy I obviously need."

"I've already read the whole book. It says 'Pet me'."

"Keep calm and hoard books."
35) These reading memes will find you.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But, if you interrupt this chapter one more time, I will find you and kill you."

"Knowing what happens in the book someone's reading."

"Let's go fictional character hunting."

"Me: I like reading because it's relaxing. Me: *screams at book* Me: *throws book against the wall* *cries over characters for days on end* Me: *curses the author's name to the winds* Me: So relaxing."

"Me: I'll stop reading at 11. Clock: 11:02. Me: Oops too late better stop at 12."
40) Reading memes for moms everywhere…Let your child enjoy books!

"Mom: Can you do anything other than obsessing over fictional characters? Me: I can go like this!"

"My face when someone disturbs me reading."

"I need to stop buying books. Oh, look a book sale."

"Finished reading a new book. Ends in a cliffhanger!!!"

"Normal people with their books. Me: My precious."
45) Reading memes for library lovers.

"One does not simply return from the library without a book."

"Me: *walks out of the bookstore with armload of books* Friend: *shakes head in disappointment* Me: In my defense, I was left unsupervised."

"When people say, 'I have so many books to read! Look at my To Be Read pile!' and it's like 8 books, I want to say, 'That's adorable. I have a TBR bookcase'."
48) Reading memes that parents will relate to.

"What's inside Uranus: Read a book, you may learn something. Questions kids wish they could ask their parents. What's inside? Uranus. Funny you should ask. Let's go visit. The baron's booty. Journey into a black hole. Let's go."

"Reading makes life a lot easier."
50) Reading memes for nerds?

"Me when someone says reading is for nerds."

"Shhh…I'm reading."

"Single. Married. In a relationship. It's complicated. Books."

"So many books so little time."

"When someone says it's a bestseller, so it must be good."
55) Time for summer reading memes.

"Started a really good book this morning. Am at work so can't read more until I get home tonight."

"Teacher catches reading memes on a school computer. Laughs and tells you to scroll down."

"Textbooks I would actually use…How to not be weird at parties. 101 excuses for missing class. The art of napping. Ramen recipes that aren't the worst. Meditation to keep you from slapping your roommate."

"That's not how it was in the book."

"The book VS The movie."
60) Follow me for more reading memes.

"When someone says they would like to read a book but they just don't know which one: Follow me."

"When you don't trust the book's protagonist but you keep reading anyway."

"*walks into a bookstore* Me, one second later: I choose you all."

"I was the kid who stayed up all night reading books."

"Someone: What's your dream date? Me: Barnes & Noble Booksellers."
65) Reading memes that touch you.

"When I think about books, I touch my shelf."

"People who use books for decoration only."
67) Reading memes for the Fault In Our Stars fans.

"Why are you staring at me? Because you're beautiful."

"'I will not buy any more books until I've read all the ones I've got,' I said. Then I laughed and laughed."

"A wizard is never late…but your library book is."
70) Oh no! We've almost reached the end of reading memes…

"Yes, I do have a retirement plan. I plan on reading."

"You have too many books. Nobody asked you."

"Your face when someone says you have enough books."

"When you're tired but you only have one more chapter…"
I hope you enjoyed these reading memes!

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